PB1A: How we define ourselves through social media (twitter)
In today's world, there are many forms of social media. There is Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat etc. But one form of social media I want to focus on is Twitter. Twitter was one of the first forms of social media that I heard about growing up and a lot of people had a twitter. When I first heard about twitter from my understanding it was a way for celebrities to connect with their fans by letting them know what they were doing by tweeting out updates. As we got older, people in my grade and my friends starting making twitters and telling others to follow theirs. Its seems to be that people nowadays care more about how many retweets they have more than they care about things that are actually important. Twitter is a form of social media where people tell about their thoughts, how they are feeling, and what is on their minds. Twitter also has a spot where you can send comments to other people. By allowing this Twitter allows you to connect with people all over the world. Twitter is a ...