Continuing on from Tuesdays post- Pb2a

There are five questions I have about my discipline and things I would like to investigate...

1.How do outside sources interfere with learning?

2.Can a child's home environment have an affect on the way they perform in the classroom?

3.Do children in other countries have the same issues in education that they do in the united states?

4.Can having a strict hands on family make a child want to learn more or drive them in the opposite direction?

5.What drives a child to want to learn?

6.Are children in less fortunate countries have other things like drugs and smoking issues that affect their learning?
To Facilitate a search to get some scholarly articles I can use a few keywords to get what I want those keywords are:
  • Family 
  • Children 
  • Learning Education 
  • Elementary/primary
  • Drug Addict* 
  • Visual learning 
  • Types of learning in class 
With this search “family + children + learning education + Elementary primary + drug addict*” there was 2,416 articles so I decided see if I could shorten my search Then I added + boys and my search became 1,368 and a few other searches I tried kept giving me more results so I stopped there until I can think of more keywords. Something cool I did notice when I was searching was that I added the Key word “ Girls” to my search first and it added almost two thousand more articles and then when I tried “ boys” it took away one thousand articles less than the original search indicating that there is more research on girls than boys making boys a more rare topic of study.
  • Cryer, Sarah, and Cathy Atkinson. "Exploring the use of Motivational Interviewing with a Disengaged Primary-Aged Child." Educational Psychology in Practice, vol. 31, no. 1, 2015, pp. 56-72. 
  • Huang, Cheng, et al. "Smoking Experimentation among Elementary School Students in China: Influences from Peers, Families, and the School Environment." PLoS One, vol. 8, no. 8, 2013, pp. E73048. 
  • Moldavsky, Maria, and Kapil Sayal. "Knowledge and Attitudes about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and its Treatment: The Views of Children, Adolescents, Parents, Teachers and Healthcare Professionals." Current Psychiatry Reports, vol. 15, no. 8, 2013, pp. 1-7. 
  • Shlafer, Rebecca J., Tyler Reedy, and Laurel Davis. "School‐Based Outcomes among Youth with Incarcerated Parents: Differences by School Setting." Journal of School Health, vol. 87, no. 9, 2017, pp. 687-695. 
  • Cooley-Strickland, Michele, et al. "Community Violence and Youth: Affect, Behavior, Substance use, and Academics." Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, vol. 12, no. 2, 2009, pp. 127-156.


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