Some of the feedback I have Received from my ACURA project PowerPoint has been very helpful as I move forward on to WP3. For the most part, the feedback was good. I learned a lot about myself and how to correctly present when giving a PowerPoint. I was told that I did a good job of not reading off the slides. When I was a Sophomore in High School my teacher worked a lot with us and told us that the slides are there for people to read your information, so don’t read what you already wrote. Instead, talk about your ideas that aren’t on the PowerPoint to give your audience even more information and that really stuck with me. So to get that kind of feedback really helped boost my presentation confidence! Some feedback I received really helped me learn. Hearing that my peers felt I needed to improve on being more direct and o the point really helped with my ideas for really making my research question more precise. And hearing their ideas on to to make my ACURA project even better really helped me focus on more of what was important in the project and really get to the point.
How does a substance using parent affect children in their personal life and with their education?
Scholarly Articles
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